Photo of an opened Bible

July 28 | Annual Church Picnic in New Bothwell

Vector image of a basket with food in the table with tablecloth decoration

On Sunday, July 28 (at 11am), we will be meeting in the town of New Bothwell at the Community Center for our annual outdoor service and church picnic. If you haven’t signed up, but would like to attend, please contact us.

To get there, head south on HWY 59 and turn left at HWY 311. Then turn right onto HWY 216, which leads straight into the town. Watch for the Community Center on the left. A map of the exact location is shown below.

Photo of a person reading a Bible outside.
Photo of a newly sprouting plant.
Photo of a pile of books and notepads.

CARE Ministries of Winnipeg’s Bible Evidence Museum is housed in the lower level of the church building. It contains a large assortment of artifacts, models, and drawings that help support the Biblical view of creation.

Photo of specimen from the Bible Evidence Museum
Photo of specimen from the Bible Evidence Museum
Photo of specimen from the Bible Evidence Museum

A video series and full slide presentation are available to explore online (CARE Ministries of Winnipeg). To arrange an in-person tour, please contact us.

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