Our Pastors

Photo of Pastor John Feakes and his wife Linde

Pastor John and Linde Feakes

Lead Pastor

John became the Lead Pastor at New Life Sanctuary Church in 2014. Along with his many pastor duties, teaching and speaking commitments, he leads CARE Ministries of Winnipeg.

Photo of Pastor Gilbert Plante and his wife Laurie

Pastor Gilbert and Laurie Plante

Associate Pastor

Pastor John Feakes

Pastor Gilbert Plante

Our Church’s Governance

New Life Sanctuary Church (NLSC) is governed by the New Testament model. That is, we recognize Elders as those who rule, and Deacons as those who serve. In keeping with the New Testament teaching on church governance, NLSC recognizes the Pastors as Elders and Overseers. That is to say, the Elders/Overseers are recognized as the undershepherds (i.e. Pastors) serving God’s people in the local assembly (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1-3). Also in keeping with New Testament teaching, NSLC has a plurality of Pastors. Currently, our church has two pastors and five deacons.

Because NLSC is a recognized Canadian charity operating in conformity with CRA regulations, our church is governed by a Board of Directors. Our Board is comprised of exclusively of qualified, New Testament office holders (i.e. Pastors and Deacons).